The Arts & Dementia Pocket Guide and training workshops train carers of people living with dementia on how to embed creativity into their every day caring routine.
This Pocket Guide contains exercises, games, links to resources and warm ups that can be led by anyone who is caring for someone with dementia.
The Arts & Dementia Pocket Guide have now been rolled out in over 40 care homes, training over 500 carers in these techniques. An Occupation Therapist who observed a workshop commented “Fun is only one of the benefits, there are so many more: empowerment, relationship building and cognitive stimulation” and the Head of Workforce Development for Dementia North West commented “this is how we should be training people in the future”.
Contact to book a training workshop or call 0151 345 6266.
We can work with up to 20 carers and people living with dementia at anyone time.