Ageing Better Culture Showcase: Liverpool
21st March 2019 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| FreeOver the last ten years the city of Liverpool has been home to a wide range of pioneering projects that has enabled older residents to take part in the vibrant cultural and creative life of the city.
We welcome people of all ages to come and join us for the Ageing Better Culture Showcase to find out more about how creativity has been used to
- Improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and those that care for them.
- Nurture relationships across the generations
- Enable the opinions and concerns of older people to be heard and understood by those that make decisions for them
- Foster greater agency amongst older people
The morning will be bursting with exciting examples of work from Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool Museums, The Royal Court, Collective Encounters and Travelled Companions’ From Acorns to Oaks.
Free tea and coffee served throughout.
A light buffet lunch will be served from 12pm.
Attendance is free but booking is essential.
To book call Collective Encounters on 0151 345 6266 or visit