This creative response offers an insight into what arts and health is, what it can be and what it means to people. For extensive writing and resources on arts and health visit the Arts For Health site. Clive Parkinson, 2011
After You Are Two: Exemplary Practice in Participatory Arts with Older People
An excellent report that reviews creative ageing projects, discussing key themes, tackling important questions, and offering case studies. An excellent read for anyone working creatively with older people. More on creative ageing from Baring here. Kate Organ, 2013
Reminiscence Theatre: Making Theatre from Memories
This definitive book is a practical ‘how to guide’ for Reminiscence Theatre with case studies and examples by the originator of the style. For a shorter introduction to the work read this free download. Pam Schweitzer, 2007
Creativity Matters: The Arts and Aging Toolkit
An extensive catalogue of exercises, approaches and frameworks for developing creative work with older people. The toolkit also has a well-developed contextual section which provides an overview of the creative ageing sector. National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, 2007
Action Recipes
This toolkit is useful for practitioners aiming to develop new exercises and approaches for engaging older people in creative work. Sue Mayo, Entelechy Arts & Lois Weaver, 2017