She is a neurodivergent facilitator, writer, director, performer, and activist who has been working in community arts for over 35 years across several continents. She loves working with people and thinks that everyone has a story that need to be told and heard and theatre has the capacity to change. She currently lives in Toxteth with her son and cat, she loves performing at festivals and dancing to ABBA in her kitchen.
Prior to the Pandemic, his work focussed on creative and collective music and performance making, taking inspiration from world-wide cultural movements, and the history, identity and undocumented stories of particular communities and environments. He has worked with Collective Encounters since 2012 on projects relating to mental health (‘Other Ways Of Telling’), homelessness, and with veterans (‘Out Of Service’). He has more than 30 years’ experience as an artist and an activist.
She is now back at Collective Encounters and is excited to be running all things digital marketing for the organisation.
In recent years her work has concentrated on working through arts-based practice, supporting individuals and groups to explore issues and enrich their lives by developing life skills and insight through creative engagement. Michelle leads Collective Encounters’ projects More Than, Where You’re At and the Black Maternal Health project.
For Collective Encounters, Joanne leads participatory arts work with women, families and young people.
Eleanor is an applied theatre artist, facilitator and researcher. Her work places a sustained emphasis on using the arts to allow participants to re-negotiate everyday societal issues. Eleanor’s current PhD research (Goldsmiths, University of London) examines what is unearthed when applied theatre workshops are used to enable girls from working class backgrounds to explore the pressures of performing the self on social media. In her role as youth participation producer at Collective Encounters she develops creative projects for care-experienced young people. She has an MA in Performance in Culture at Goldsmiths and BA in Drama at Liverpool Hope University.
We also employ a wide range of associate artists, technicians and project staff on a project-by-project basis.
Collective Encounters is supported by a fabulous team of trustees who give up their free time to help us achieve our mission and support the delivery team.
Our Trustees are:
- Valeria Guarneros-Meza (Chair)
- Jamie Beddard
- Kelly Bewers
- Fabio Negro
- Anya Winful
All can be contacted through