This March (17th) Collective Encounters will be hosting an ‘Open Space’ style event exploring notions of ‘excellence’ and ‘quality’ in participatory theatre. The words ‘excellence’ and ‘quality’ are frequently cited in English cultural policy, and this event is an opportunity for artists and arts organisations to come together with peers to explore what they mean in a participatory context.
We are seeking three different 5 minute provocations on ‘excellence’ and ‘quality’ in participatory theatre.
Provocations/presentations may explore:
- Examples of co-created participatory arts quality principles.
- The balance of excellence in product and process
- Audience expectations of quality in the 21st Century.
- Resourcing of participatory theatre productions.
- Whose quality/excellence is it anyway?
A £50 stipend will be paid to presenters. Contact for more information and to discuss your idea.