The short read
On My Creative Ageing Bookshelf by David Cutler (Baring Foundation 2019) is a short introduction to some of his recommended reading on the topic, with lots of free downloads.
The long read
Growing the Creative Ageing Movement: International Lessons for the UK by Alice Thwait (Winston Churchill Memorial Trust/Baring Foundation, 2017) (Free download)
This is an umbrella term for participatory arts work with older people and describes a broad range of practices. While this work has been happening since the beginning of the community arts movement, the term has come into common use in the last decade. Referring to work led by professional artists with participants over 55 years of age, it is often underpinned by a health and wellbeing agenda. It includes everything from one-off arts workshops to reminiscence theatre projects, and can also encompass more radical theatre that aims to celebrate the contribution older people make to society or give voice to their concerns. Festivals like Luminate in Scotland, Gwanwyn in Wales, Age of Creativeity in England and Bealtine in Ireland showcase the full range of this activity.