OPEN SPACE: Quality and Excellence in Participatory Arts
31st March 2022 at 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event exploring how artists and arts organisations can best articulate what ‘quality & excellence’ looks like in participatory arts contexts
Calling Question: What does ‘excellence’ & ‘quality’ mean in participatory arts practice?
About this Event: The words ‘excellence’ and ‘quality’ are frequently cited in English cultural policy, and this event is an opportunity for participatory artists and arts organisations to come together with peers to articulate what they mean in our sector. Talking point may include:
- Co-creating participatory arts quality principles; whose quality/excellence is it anyway?
- Describing excellent participatory processes.
- Asking, what does quality look like to our different audiences and stakeholders?
- Striving for quality and excellence in production values with limited resources.
- How do ideas around quality embed diversity and community representation?
This is an Open Space event. At the beginning of the event guest speakers will introduce the key ideas, principles and practises behind the theme of the event and offer provocations for discussion. Then it will be over to everyone attending to take the agenda and the conversation forward. Participants will be able to move freely between discussions in break out rooms.
- Rob Brannen: Professor of Arts Education, De Montfort University,
- Matt Peacock: Director, Arts & Homelessness International
- Joyce Lee: Artistic Director, Mind the Gap
- Lee Brennan: Head of Learning and Engagement, Leeds 2023
- Ithalia Forel: Co-Director, Movema
Length: Open Space events last 2.5 hours
Cost: Donation
Location: The event will take place online via Zoom. Please register in advance and you will be sent the link and further information.
Access: This event will use live transcription. If you require BSL interpretation, or any other access support please get in touch before the event.