TRAINING: Co-creating Political Theatre with Communities
25th November 2021 at 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
| £15 – £25About this training:
Much of participatory theatre aims to explore socio-political ideas and events, facilitate debate and present alternative narratives of contemporary society not given space in the mainstream media. This training will introduce theatre for social change processes and methodologies that practitioners can employ to inspire communities to explore what matters to them.
Participants in this training will gain an understanding of:
• Ethics of making political art with communities;
• Principles of co-production and practicalities of making collaborative theatre;
• Creative and practical exercises that can introduce and explore political ideas and concepts.
This event is aimed at artists working in communities, theatre-makers and activists interested in using theatre as a tool for positive change.
Length: 3 hours
Ticket Cost: For participants who are supported by their organisation or company the full price of a ticket is £25.
For freelancers and individual attendees the ticket cost is £20.
A discount rate for those on low or no income is available for £15.
We also have a small number of bursary places available for those with limited funds, please email Marianne at marianne@collective-encounters.org.uk
Access: This event will use live transcription. If you require BSL interpretation, or any other access support please get in touch before the event.
Trainers: Abi Horsfield (Outreach Director, Collective Encounters), Sarah Thornton (Artistic Director, Collective Encounters).