In this report the DCMS committee advocates the positive impacts of culture and sport on health, education, criminal justice and regeneration outcomes. House of Commons DCMS, 2019Â
In this report the Arts Council of Wales sets out its policy agenda and strategic goals for 2019 - 24. For more of their publications visit here.  Arts Council of Wales, 2019Â
The Social Impact of the Arts in Liverpool
This report gives an introduction to what social impact in the arts means and draws on Liverpool City Council funded case studies to illustrate how the arts can help meet strategic social agenda. Annette Burghes & Sarah Thornton, 2017Â
Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing
A detailed description and analysis of practice, impact, policy and funding of all aspects of arts, health and wellbeing in the UK today.  All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, 2017Â
UK Government Culture White Paper
The first culture white paper since 1965 sets out the UK government’s position on the role of the arts and culture in 21st century Britain. Cultural democracy and community engagement are central.  DCMS, 2016Â
Understanding the Value of Arts & Culture
This comprehensive academic report presents findings from the Cultural Value Project, one of the most in-depth attempts to understand the value of arts and culture to people and society.  Geoffrey Crossick & Patrycja Kaszynska (AHRC), 2016Â
The Value of Arts and Culture to People and Society
This Arts Council report reviews the evidence re the contribution of arts and culture to the economy, health & wellbeing, society and education. Contains useful advocacy information for participatory arts.  Arts Council England, 2014Â
Unlocking Potential Embracing Ambition
In this report Creative Scotland sets out its policy agenda and strategic goals for 2014 - 24. For more Creative Scotland publications visit here.  Creative Scotland, 2014Â
Ambitions for the Arts
In this report (free download) Arts Council Northern Ireland sets out its policy agenda and strategic goals for the 2013-18. For more ACNI publications visit here.  Arts Council Northern Ireland, 2013