Although published by US National Organisation for Arts and Health this has real value for practitioners outside the states. 2018.
Arts & Social Impact Explorer
An excellent and in-depth resource from American's for the Arts around the many kinds of arts with social impact.
Theatres of Learning Disability
This is the first scholarly book to focus exclusively on theatre and learning disability as theatre, rather than advocacy or therapy and realigns the - hitherto unvoiced - assumptions that underpin such practice and proposes that learning disabled artists have earned the right to full critical review. Matt Hargrave, 2015.
Manifesto for Arts and Health
This creative response offers an insight into what arts and health is, what it can be and what it means to people. For extensive writing and resources on arts and health visit the Arts For Health site. Clive Parkinson, 2011
Repository for Arts Health Resources
An online resource of all things arts and health related, from a timeline of the development of the field in the UK, to a repository of all the significant publications to guides and toolkits. Repository for Arts & Health Resources, live
Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing
A detailed description and analysis of practice, impact, policy and funding of all aspects of arts, health and wellbeing in the UK today. All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, 2017