
Season for Change Toolkit

Part of a UK wide cultural programme inspiring urgent and inclusive action on climate change, this is a digital collection of tips, case studies and resources to help people use the arts and culture to work for a more sustainable future.

Doing Art Research in a Pandemic

A DIY collection sharing reflections, research activities and methods that have emerged during Covid-19. Sections include: Narrating & Documenting, Creative Processes & Arts Practices, Social Engagement & Activism, Collaboration, Live to Digital, Tools & Processes, Reflections & Commentaries. Compiled by Vida Midgelow, 2020.

Radical Education Workbook

Although this isn't directly an arts-toolkit, it is relevant and useful for arts practitioners interested in taking a radical approach to educational theatre/arts projects. Plenty of theory and practice, case studies and exercises. Radical Education Forum, 2012.