A suite of resources from Arts Council England aimed to help artists provide evidence on the wider benefits of arts and cultural activities, focussed on Health & Wellbeing, Stronger & Safer Communities and Strengthening Public Life.
Can the Arts Change?
This paper considers the ethics of change, introduces ideas around transformation and ethics, and explores the difference between liberal and radical change. Sarah Thornton, 2013
All in this together
An insightful and provocative article charting the depoliticisation of Community Arts in Britain between 1970 and 2011. A must read for all radically minded practitioners. For more by this seminal thinker look here. Francois Matarasso, 2013
Sharing the Stage
This report reflects on the learning and emerging themes from Gulbenkian funded arts projects based on partnerships between arts organisations and social partners. This is the first report in a suite of resources which can be accessed here. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2016
Faster But Slower
Coming out of Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places programme, this report offers some valuable provocations and learning around community engaged arts practice. Useful thinking for any participatory/collaborative artists. Mark Robinson, 2016
Rethinking Relationships: Enquiry into the Civic Role of the Arts
This report comes out of extensive research into the civic role of arts organisations across the UK today. It draws out principles, asks questions and gives case studies. For resources from the enquiry look here. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2017
Towards Cultural Democracy: Promoting Cultural Capabilities for Everyone
An important report highlighting cultural activity in the UK that promotes participation and celebrates everyone’s cultural capacity. Sets out a vision for what a more culturally democratic landscape might be. Kings College London, 2017
Power Up
An inspiring ‘think piece’ that explores power and shared decision making in participatory arts, looking at the ethics, values and politics of the work. An important read for all in the sector. Chrissie Tiller, 2017
Community Art and the State: Storming the Citadels
A classic book that charts the growth of the community arts movement in the UK, its political context and its role in cultural activism. Reissued recently as a free e-book, a useful provocation for contemporary practitioners. Owen Kelly, 1984