An academic reflective collaborative inquiry on theatre for social change youth programming. The authors identify a nine-step process for collaborative teams utilizing a fusion of personal narrative, reflection, and dialogue. Brendel Horn, Caine, Katsadouros & Freeman, USA 2020
Collaborative Arts Resource Pack
A collective resource created by and for socially engaged arts and community practitioners. Create & Heart of Glass, 2020
Considering Co-Creation
Some reflections on co-creation from Heart of Glass and Battersea Arts Centre for Creative People and Places, Arts Council England, 2021
Responding to Racialisation through Arts Practice
This academic article describes two participatory theatre projects undertaken by Western Edge Youth Arts in Melbourne and aimed at challenging racialization and fostering belonging among culturally diverse young people. Sonn, Quale, Beranji & Baker, 2015
Participatory Arts with Young Refugees
Six case studies of participatory arts projects with young refugees from Oval House, 2009.
The Routledge Companion to Theatre of the Oppressed
Collection of writings on TO from practitioners and academics, outlining the range and breadth of both the form and the practice. Kelly Howe, Julian Boal, José Soeiro (ed), 2019
Code of Ethics and Standards for Arts in Health Professionals
Although published by US National Organisation for Arts and Health this has real value for practitioners outside the states. 2018.
Arts & Social Impact Explorer
An excellent and in-depth resource from American's for the Arts around the many kinds of arts with social impact.
Centre For Cultural Value
A national research centre working with cultural practitioners, academics, funders and policy makers to make research more accessible and support developments in evaluation and reflective practice.