A detailed step by step guide book to the process used by Ann Jellicoe’s Colway Theatre Trust, and still of useful to anyone interested in staging a large scale community play. Ann Jellicoe, 1987
All in this together
An insightful and provocative article charting the depoliticisation of Community Arts in Britain between 1970 and 2011. A must read for all radically minded practitioners. For more by this seminal thinker look here. Francois Matarasso, 2013
Community Art and the State: Storming the Citadels
A classic book that charts the growth of the community arts movement in the UK, its political context and its role in cultural activism. Reissued recently as a free e-book, a useful provocation for contemporary practitioners. Owen Kelly, 1984
Other Theatres: The Development of Alternative and Experimental Theatre in Britain
This classic book discusses the development of political theatre in the UK since Shakespeare with chapters on post 1960s political and community theatre. Andrew Davies, 1987
Verbatim Theatre: Oral History and Documentary Techniques
This is an excellent description of social documentary theatre, explaining how the form works and its historical roots. Helpful for contemporary practitioners to better understand the form and see its applications. Derek Paget, 1987
Verbatim, Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre
This book explores verbatim theatre with perspectives from several influential late 20th century theatre makers who took the form into the theatrical mainstream to make innovative political theatre. Will Hammond & Dan Stewart, 2008
Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art: The British Community Arts Movement
This book tells the history of community arts in the UK through the experiences of those involved and discusses its influence on participatory arts today. An invaluable read for anyone making participatory theatre. Alison Jeffers & Gerri Moriarty, 2017
Scenes from the Revolution: Making Political Theatre 1968 – 2018
A celebration of fifty years of political theatre in Britain with old scripts and contemporary commentary. The book asks what today’s theatre makers can learn from our roots. Fascinating for radical practitioners. Kim Wiltshire and Billy Cowan (ed), 2018
A Restless Art: How Participation Won and Why it Matters
A fantastic overview of the development of participatory arts, with historical context, analysis of themes and principles and a clear understanding of where we are and how we got here. A must read. More resources on the supporting website. Francois Matarasso, 2019