This book examines the history, ethics and intentions of staging people's personal stories and offers a 'spiral model' to support safe and ethical practice. Clark Baim, 2020
Case Study: Numbi / Virtual Migrants
This is a case study of BREATHE! - a collaboration by Numbi and Virtual Migrants - a protest-performance project in a public community garden. Location: England (12:15)
Covid-19 and the Global Cultural and Creative Sector
Extensive research from the Centre for Cultural value on the impact of the pandemic on the cultural sector internationally. Anthony Sargent CBE, 2022
Case Study: Debbie Bandara, Forest Tribe
Chapter Five of Collective Encounters' Digital Participatory Theatre Series, curated and introduced by Maya Chowdhry: How do different digital distribution methods engage audiences? With a case study of New Worlds by Forest Tribe. (21:23) Location: England
Case Study: Maya Chowdhry / Virtual Migrants
Chapter Four of Collective Encounters' Digital Participatory Theatre series curated and introduced by Maya Chowdhry: Digital platforms and production methods: Why and how? With a case study of Ethical People Movement, Virtual Migrants. (17:24) Location: England
Case Study: Tassos Stevens, Coney
Chapter Three of Collective Encounters' Digital Participatory Theatre series curated and introduced by Maya Chowdhry: Who is the audience and how can they participate? With a case study of The Delegation by Coney. (24:27) Location: England
Case Study: Kamari Romeo, Humblebee Creative
Chapter Two of Collective Encounters' Digital Participatory Theatre series curated and introduced by Maya Chowdhry: What is the message and how does the medium reflect this? With a case study of Toybox by Humble Been Creative. (17:42) Location: England
Case Study: Nathan Powell
Chapter One of Collective Encounters' Digital Participatory Theatre series curated and introduced by Maya Chowdhry: What is the difference between a digital and a live participatory theatre process? With a case study of Small Gifts. (22:19) Location: England
Case Study: El Teatro Campesino
An extract from Heart of Heaven, a creation myth based on the ancient text of the Quiche Maya people performed by El Teatro Campesino. (4:59) Location: USA