This comprehensive academic report presents findings from the Cultural Value Project, one of the most in-depth attempts to understand the value of arts and culture to people and society. Geoffrey Crossick & Patrycja Kaszynska (AHRC), 2016
The Value of Arts and Culture to People and Society
This Arts Council report reviews the evidence re the contribution of arts and culture to the economy, health & wellbeing, society and education. Contains useful advocacy information for participatory arts. Arts Council England, 2014
Unlocking Potential Embracing Ambition
In this report Creative Scotland sets out its policy agenda and strategic goals for 2014 - 24. For more Creative Scotland publications visit here. Creative Scotland, 2014
Ambitions for the Arts
In this report (free download) Arts Council Northern Ireland sets out its policy agenda and strategic goals for the 2013-18. For more ACNI publications visit here. Arts Council Northern Ireland, 2013
Achieving Great Art for Everyone: A Strategic Framework for the Arts
In this report Arts Council England sets out its policy agenda and strategic goals for 2010 – 2020. For more ACE publications visit here. Arts Council England, 2010
Policy Action Team 10: A Report to the Social Exclusion Unit
Seminal government report that sets out how the then Labour government believed sport and the arts could contribute to neighbourhood renewal, community development and social inclusion. Marked a turning point in government policy with regards arts and culture. DCMS, 1999
A Policy for the Arts: First Steps
The first UK government White Paper for the arts, which set out radical new ideas and values around art for the many not for the few. Jenny Lee MP, 1965