An academic reflective collaborative inquiry on theatre for social change youth programming. The authors identify a nine-step process for collaborative teams utilizing a fusion of personal narrative, reflection, and dialogue. Brendel Horn, Caine, Katsadouros & Freeman, USA 2020
Responding to Racialisation through Arts Practice
This academic article describes two participatory theatre projects undertaken by Western Edge Youth Arts in Melbourne and aimed at challenging racialization and fostering belonging among culturally diverse young people. Sonn, Quale, Beranji & Baker, 2015
Shake the System: Rituals, tools & practices
Designed primarily for Black people and people of colour who are engaged in creative activism, this shares some of the practices and tools developed through a the 10-year Shake project. Annick Météfia & Haneen Hammou; Farzana Khan, Sai Murray & Rose Ziaei, 2021
Participatory Arts with Young Refugees
Six case studies of participatory arts projects with young refugees from Oval House, 2009.
Creativity Exchange
Creativity Exchange is an online community where school leaders, teachers and those working and interacting with schools can embed teaching for creativity and learn from each other.
Digital Storytelling, Applied Theatre, & Youth: Performing Possibility
Digital Storytelling, Applied Theatre, & Youth argues that theatre artists must re-imagine how and why they facilitate performance practices with young people, and presents practitioners, scholars, and educators with innovative approaches to devising and performing digital stories. Megan Alrutz, 2014
Delivering Drama to CYP in a Socially Distanced World
A summary of findings arising from open cross-sector discussions convened by Curious Minds in order to allow space for theatre educators and facilitators to share the challenges and solutions of delivering drama post-Covid. Curious Minds, 2020.
Starting Youth Theatre’s Post Covid-19
A summary document with advice, checklists and FAQs to support youth theatres reopening, with relevance for wider participatory drama initiatives. National Association for Youth Theatres, 2020.
Radical Education Workbook
Although this isn't directly an arts-toolkit, it is relevant and useful for arts practitioners interested in taking a radical approach to educational theatre/arts projects. Plenty of theory and practice, case studies and exercises. Radical Education Forum, 2012.