we deliver creative courses in school holidays for children and young people in the care system

Arts Adventures allow young people to explore the world around them using theatre, drama, music, visual arts alongside trips to local arts and heritage venues. Young people learn, create, play and share. All sessions are free and are delivered by a highly-skilled team of multi-disciplinary artists.

They have been running for over a decade and enable young people to:

  • Build confidence, self-esteem and resilience
  • Develop skills in creativity, team work, communication, empathy, digital
  • Develop English as a second langauge
  • Explore issues that matter to them and develop their understanding of the world
  • Address difficult events, experiences and circumstances
  • Achieve a Bronze Arts Award

Call Abi on 0151 345 6266 or email her on abi@collective-encounters.org.uk to find out more.

Arts Adventures are suitable for young people aged 10-18 who are in the care of the local authority and/or who have a social worker. Young people can be referred to the programme via their Independent Reviewing Officer, Social Worker, or directly via their carer. Please contact Abi to find out if you are eligible for the programme and to receive a referral form.