TRAINING: Designing Arts Projects with Social Impact
10th February 2022 at 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
| £15 – £25About this training:
This training event adopts a nuts-and-bolts approach to designing arts projects with a social impact from planning to evaluation. This event is aimed at early to mid-stage artists, administrators and project managers in the arts, libraries and museums sector.
Topics will include:
- What do we mean by social impact?
- The ethics of change in a participatory arts context;
- Approaches to measuring social impact;
- Planning projects with a social impact and sharing power;
- Approaches to overseeing social impact projects;
- Strategies for influencing provision, policy and practice.
This event will include practical training strategies and case studies.
Access: This event will use live transcription. If you require BSL interpretation, or any other access support please get in touch before the event.
Ticket Cost: For participants who are supported by their organisation or company the full price of a ticket is £25.
For freelancers and individual attendees the ticket cost is £20.
A discount rate for those on low or no income is available for £15.
We also have a small number of bursary places available for those with limited funds, please email Marianne at marianne@collective-encounters.org.uk
Trainers: Annette Burghes (Executive Director, Collective Encounters) and Sarah Thornton (Artistic Director, Collective Encounters)
Booking: Click here to book online