A collective resource created by and for socially engaged arts and community practitioners. Create & Heart of Glass, 2020
Responding to Racialisation through Arts Practice
This academic article describes two participatory theatre projects undertaken by Western Edge Youth Arts in Melbourne and aimed at challenging racialization and fostering belonging among culturally diverse young people. Sonn, Quale, Beranji & Baker, 2015
Shake the System: Rituals, tools & practices
Designed primarily for Black people and people of colour who are engaged in creative activism, this shares some of the practices and tools developed through a the 10-year Shake project. Annick Météfia & Haneen Hammou; Farzana Khan, Sai Murray & Rose Ziaei, 2021
Season for Change Toolkit
Part of a UK wide cultural programme inspiring urgent and inclusive action on climate change, this is a digital collection of tips, case studies and resources to help people use the arts and culture to work for a more sustainable future.
Exploring Black British performance histories
Originally an exhibition, now an archive exploring Black British performance histories via archives, arts and heritage education.
Future Histories
Future Histories is an independent archive for African, Asian and Performing Arts in the UK.
International Centre for Arts and Social Change
A resource library from the International Centre for Art and Social Change.
Rediscovering the Radical
Conference proceedings, key note speeches and links to contributors to this conference exploring the connections between participatory theatre and activism. Collective Encounters, 2016
Municipal Artist Partnerships
An excellent toolkit, described as: A “relationship guide” to forging strong and sustainable creative partnerships between local governments and artists. USA specific but with lots of relevance for practitioners internationally. Blade of Grass / Animating Democracy, 2020.