Conference proceedings, recorded sessions and materials from the last 10 years of this USA socially engaged arts event. Creative Time, 2020
Rediscovering the Radical
Conference proceedings, key note speeches and links to contributors to this conference exploring the connections between participatory theatre and activism. Collective Encounters, 2016
Municipal Artist Partnerships
An excellent toolkit, described as: A “relationship guide” to forging strong and sustainable creative partnerships between local governments and artists. USA specific but with lots of relevance for practitioners internationally. Blade of Grass / Animating Democracy, 2020.
With For About 2020
Annual conference for socially engaged practitioners, this year focussing on creativity and organising in response to Covid-19. Four afternoons of curated presentations and provocations all available to watch at your leisure. Heart of Glass, 2020
Doing Art Research in a Pandemic
A DIY collection sharing reflections, research activities and methods that have emerged during Covid-19. Sections include: Narrating & Documenting, Creative Processes & Arts Practices, Social Engagement & Activism, Collaboration, Live to Digital, Tools & Processes, Reflections & Commentaries. Compiled by Vida Midgelow, 2020.
No Going Back
Part tool-kit, part think piece this publication puts the artist at the heart of imagining and activating a better future to come out of this crisis. Originating in the US but with relevance for practitioners globally. The Center for Cultural Power, 2020.
Don’t Cancel
A film sharing "a collection of starting points for taking your activism online and remote, keeping people safe while continuing your important work." Centre for Artistic Activism, 2020.
Community Art and the State: Storming the Citadels
A classic book that charts the growth of the community arts movement in the UK, its political context and its role in cultural activism. Reissued recently as a free e-book, a useful provocation for contemporary practitioners. Owen Kelly, 1984Â
Games for Actors and Non Actors
This book gives a detailed introduction to Boal’s theories and sets out the different forms of Theatre of the Oppressed, including Image, Invisible and Forum theatre. Also includes many practical theatre games. For many more books by Boal about different aspects of TO look here. Augusto Boal, 1992Â