Digital Participatory Theatre: Tech for Sound
25th March 2021 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
| £20This event will enable participatory theatre makers to take a more in-depth look at the nuts and bolts of working with sound online. It will provide an introduction to software including Echoes and Shure Motive, illustrated through three case studies of how they have been used in participatory music projects delivered by Yorkshire Sound Women Network.
Trainer: Heidi Johnson (YSWN) and Caro C (Freelance Facilitator)
Heidi has 17 years’ experience working in the music education and arts sectors, with a particular interest in promoting musical inclusion through digital technologies.
Caro C is a passionate artist, engineer and facilitator in sound (music and words). Her fourth album “Electric Mountain” out in June 2021. Dedicated to sound and music for over 20 years now, Caro enjoys helping others to unlock the power of music and the magic of sound. Caro also produces music and sound design for film, theatre and dance. This “one-woman electronic avalanche” (BBC Introducing) only started making music in 1997 thanks to being laid up with back trouble. Caro worked with Collective Encounters in 2019 with Aidan Jolly/Threepenny Festival when all spent a day hosting a group of Colombian and Chilean environmental activists.
Yorkshire Sound Women Network (YSWN) was founded in 2015 by women working in the sound technology industry who wanted to use their skills and influence to address gender and racial inequality.
Cost: £20
Discounted and free tickets are available to participatory theatre makers who are currently on low or no wage. Please email admin@collective-encounters.org.uk to arrange.