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What is cultural democracy? What is the state of it in England? Who has access to culture and how? Can participation in the arts be used as a tool to engage people in democracy?

This free two-hour event is for anyone working within the arts and cultural sector. It will provide an open space to discuss, challenge and explore ‘cultural democracy’ and what it means within a participatory arts, community theatre, and cultural engagement context.

The session will be facilitated by Collective Encounters’ Artistic Director, Sarah Thornton and will include provocations from Matthew Elliott (PhD Researcher) & Artistic Director of Studio 3 Arts, Liza Vallance recorded for a live event in 2019.

The event will take via Zoom – once you have booked your place we will send you a link to all you to log on.

Book Now for Cultural Democracy, 20th May 2020 at 4,30pm