Confidence Through Creativity
1st December 2020 at 11:00 am - 6th December 2020 at 1:00 pm
Confidence through Creativity is an accredited, arts based training programme for women over 19 who have not been in work, education or training for at least 6 months.
What will I do?
Using a variety of fun, creative and arts-based approaches including simple drama, film and radio, participants will have the opportunity to explore themes of female confidence, empowerment and resilience, and will produce creative work including a monologue, a short film and devised drama.
What experience or equipment do I need?
No experience is necessary. Participants will be introduced step-by-step to the digital skills needed to take part e.g. using Zoom.
Before the course begins, each participant’s current digital skills and access to IT will be assessed to identify their support needs. Tablets can be provided to enable participation, and participants will be able to keep the tablet on completion.
When is it?
Sessions take place online twice a week: on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 11am – 1pm. A new course starts on Tuesday 1 December 2020 and is open for applications now.
How do I take part?
To sign up or for more information contact amy[@]collective-encounters.org.uk or call 07811 175 095
Enrolment is happening now so get in touch asap to secure your place.
What will I gain?
Participants will work towards an accredited Open Awards qualification, and be supported to progress into further training, volunteering or work.
Previous participants have gone on to join our Radical Makers programme, take part in Above & Beyond drama sessions, and volunteer on our Women in Action heritage project.
Feedback from previous participants:
This course has allowed me to approach the struggles that I’ve faced in life and turn them from a negative into a positive; to not let them define me. It’s built my confidence and self-esteem, and it’s really ignited the fire in my belly to go on and do more with my life. I will be forever grateful for this course.
Personally I’ve had lots of struggles doing this, because I’m a total technophobe, but I’ve kept going, I’ve learned so much, and I know as well where I’ve got to go on to learn more. My go to thing is to think: I can’t do this. But I’ve had a go, and I’ve so enjoyed it. It’s made me face my fears and do it anyway.
I feel so lucky and privileged to have spent this time with these amazing women being very vulnerable and honest and getting to discuss and play with our experiences.