
Community Performance: An Introduction

A useful practical guidebook for students of community and applied performance.  It gives exercises; points for reflection, commentary and illustrative examples to help emerging practitioners shape their own practice.  Petra Kuppers, 2007 

Creativity Matters: The Arts and Aging Toolkit

An extensive catalogue of exercises, approaches and frameworks for developing creative work with older people. The toolkit also has a well-developed contextual section which provides an overview of the creative ageing sector.  National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, 2007

Taking Bearings

Coming out of Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places projects, this toolkit offers a series of prompts and provocations to support a collaborative creative journey.  Louise White for MBA Associates, Arts Council England, 2015

Shared Decision Making

This toolkit offers examples, tips and tools from Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places that show some of the ways local people have been involved in shaping and steering arts projects.  Lousie White for MBA Associates, 2015

Is This the Best it Can Be?

Coming out of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s ArtWorks, this toolkit aims to help practitioners strive for the best possible participatory arts practice, offering provocations and tools to encourage continuous reflection and improvement.  ArtWorks, Creative Scotland, 2016Â