Sparked! Co-creation with young people

An educational and practice-sharing about working in co-creation with children and young people. A series of videos exploring all aspects of the process and created as a resource for the sector. Mortal Fools, 2022

Proof of the Pudding

A resource for artists to help them demonstrate the value and impact of participatory arts and develop partnerships for funding work. Produced in collaboration with Artworks Alliance.  People Dancing, 2020.

Quality Principles

A publication to guide participatory artists in thinking about the quality of their work. ArtWorks Cymru, 2019.

Shape Arts Resources

Shape has been at the forefront of disability arts since the beginning of the movement, and is a flourishing organisation today - here are a set of resources they have developed to help support individual artists and organisations.

The Neurodiverse Museum

This project / museum aims to change the way the cultural sector approaches neurodiversity, with a wealth of resources and information.

#ADiffWayToThink Mobile resource library

This #ADiffWayToThink Mobile resource library is your one stop shop of thoughts, discussions, toolkits and resources on access and inclusion. Daryl Beeton Productions, 2022

Case Studies: People, Place, Power

A resource pack with case studies produced from the presentations at the 2021 Creative People and Places conference. Arts Council England CPP, 2021.