Unfinished Histories: Recording the History of Alternative Theatre
A valuable web resource charting the history of alternative theatre in Britain, drawing on original materials and interviews with many of those involved. Unfinished Histories, live
Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today
An excellent overview of how Theatre of the Oppressed has evolved and is being practiced internationally today, with tips, principles, case studies and conversations. A most useful read for practitioners. Ali Campbell, 2019
A Restless Art: How Participation Won and Why it Matters
A fantastic overview of the development of participatory arts, with historical context, analysis of themes and principles and a clear understanding of where we are and how we got here. A must read. More resources on the supporting website. Francois Matarasso, 2019
Scenes from the Revolution: Making Political Theatre 1968 – 2018
A celebration of fifty years of political theatre in Britain with old scripts and contemporary commentary. The book asks what today’s theatre makers can learn from our roots. Fascinating for radical practitioners. Kim Wiltshire and Billy Cowan (ed), 2018
Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art: The British Community Arts Movement
This book tells the history of community arts in the UK through the experiences of those involved and discusses its influence on participatory arts today. An invaluable read for anyone making participatory theatre. Alison Jeffers & Gerri Moriarty, 2017
Theatre in Education in Britain: Origins, Development & Influence
This book has case studies and perspectives from leading Theatre in Education practitioners past and present. It gives a historical overview and understanding of the political and educational context of TIE in the UK. Roger Wooster, 2016
Performance and Community: Commentary and Case Studies
This book presents case studies from UK artists and organisations working in social and community contexts, focusing on their aesthetic and political ambitions rather than the ‘healing, educational or problem solving’ frame the work is often cast in. Caoimhe McAvinchey, [...]
What is Theatre for Social Change
This paper describes and defines theatre for social change as a specific field of practice, considering the features that differentiate it from other forms of participatory and applied drama. Sarah Thornton, 2013
Performance Affects: Applied Theatre and the End of Effect
Projects in sites of war, disaster and crisis provide the backdrop for this critical examination of applied theatre. The book argues the need for socially driven work to connect more deeply with art and beauty. James Thompson, 2011
The Applied Theatre Reader
This book brings together case studies from practitioners and academics that explore the key themes behind Applied Theatre, with chapters exploring representation, ethics, participation, intervention, border crossing, transformation and globalisation. Tim Prenki & Sheila Preston (ed), 2009